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...AND OCEANS to release 'Cosmic World Mother'

Elite Scandinavian heaviness coming your way.

Photograph by Mikael Karlbom

The Law of Conservation of Energy, which stipulates that energy is neither created or destroyed, is something we've all been taught at some point in chemistry. Centuries old yet it remains a facet of everyday life, leading many scientific undertakings and even inspiring some musicians, including ...AND OCEANS. The symphonic black metal unit explore this very law on their first offering in nearly 18 years, Cosmic World Mother, which set to arrive on May 8 via Season of Mist.

In addition to presenting the forthcoming new record, ...AND OCEANS usher in the lead single The Dissolution of Mind and Matter to demonstrate the immaculate pairing of untamed black metal and radiant symphonies. One spin of the adventurous single and it's clear that each soul involved invested an immense amount of energy harnessed from the tribulations faced in times past.

Frontman Mathias Lillmåns on The Dissolution of Mind and Matter:

"The first single 'The Dissolution of Mind and Matter' is a song that describes the new ...and Oceans album very well. Fast beats, melodic guitar riffs, atmospheric synths and harsh vocals in both English and Swedish. Lyric wise, the song also gives you quite a hint how to unlock the concept of 'Cosmic World Mother.' Enjoy this banger of a song!"

Stream The Dissolution of Mind and Matter below and pre-order your copy HERE.

Cover art by Adrien Bousson


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