The LA black metal unit follow last year's 'Primal Death Rites' with another gem.

It's the first Friday of the month, which means that Bandcamp Friday is among us, and you're surely wondering what to pick up from the platform's endless catalog of choices. Let us steer you in the right direction towards Icon of Phobos, a nihilistic black metal unit that hails from LA's flooded metal underground. Standing tall among their counterparts, the band hone their efforts on quality output and today's surprise release of their split with Pale Void is no exception. Their contribution, titled The Quietus, is a sinister number that batters you in with a gallop of double bass, complemented exquisitely with echoing shrieks and blood-curling growls that pair well with tremolo-picked melodies aimed at setting the tone early one. It's a well rounded affair that transitions into Pale Void's Impure Splendor with ease, the likes of which appears to be pulled directly from a horror score initially. Just when you start to settle in, blast beats erupt and you're now well on your way into another harrowing spectacle. Stephen Wilson and Death Strikes Graphics capture the energy present here with an ominous collaborative cover, rounding out this standout composition.
Stream the split below and pick up your digital copy HERE via Elegy Ensemble. Vinyl copies will be available soon courtesy of Antiquarian Records.