Nile, Terrorizer, Sigh, Demolition Hammer, and more.

Now heading into it's third year of existence, the massive MASS DESTRUCTION METAL FEST has announced dates, location, and (most importantly) the lineup for this year's edition. The annual festival will take place on November 1st and 2nd at The Loft at Center Stage in Atlanta, Georgia and you can find the lineup below.
Friday, November 1st, 2019:
Saturday - November 2nd, 2019:
Demolition Hammer
Ares Kingdom
Caveman Cult
Morbid Torment
Atlanta's Cody Martin established the festival in 2016 with the help of local promoter Amos Rifkin of A Rippin Production. The two have put together exceptional lineups in recent years, including the likes of DEMONCY, MaACABRE, NOCTURNUS AD, MORBOSIDAD, and SADISTIC INTENT to name a few.
Martin comments of the announcement:
"Coming up on our third year and having it still being a fun and exciting adventure for me is a pretty awesome feeling. I still can't believe we have Sigh coming in from Japan. I'm also going to go bonkers when Demolition Hammer plays 'Skull Fracturing Nightmare!'"
"This year, we took several huge steps forward, and we are extremely pleased with the level of lineup we've been able to assemble in only our third installment. Response has grown exponentially each year, and I'm overjoyed at the amount of friends planning on making the trip to Atlanta this fall!"
Enjoy the lineup announcement trailer below and pickup your tickets here.