The best death metal track you'll hear this week.

If 2020's Sacraments of Descension went under your radar, now's the time to familiarize yourself with Perdition Temple, one of the premiere death metal acts of today. The band now announce the arrival of their new album Merciless Upheaval in June via Hells Headbanger Records, featuring Jenglot Hitam's wicked black and white illustrations. Until then, we have the ripping new single Redemption Abattoir to hold us over with Angelcorpse-like turbulence. It's not surprising considering frontman Gene Palubicki's (Angelcorpse, Malefic Throne, Blasphemic Cruelty) history, but bassist Alex Blume (Ares Kingdom, Blasphemic Cruelty), and drummer Ron Parmer (Malevolent Creation, Bloodmessiah, Brutality) round out a truly astounding trio. The death metal reign continues and Perdition Temple are here to see it through.
Stream Redemption Abattoir below and stay tuned for more.