A month of metal highlighted by a beautiful variety of art styles.

With each passing month, releases continue to pile on in both quantity and quality, accompanied by art that transcends the physical medium.
Like the music embodied within, the art below is varied in scope, influence and style, highlighting the importance of investing in art for audiovisual experiences. Just look at AT THE ALTAR OF THE HORNED GOD, who enlisted Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule's entrancing Time & Fate painting for a fitting representation of their new record. Artem Grigoryev's ritualistic endeavors return in glorious, black metal fashion while Guang Yang's artistic prowess shined with a deadly cover for the pummeling new RIPPED TO SHREDS. Jamie Saint Merat, artist and drummer of ULCERATE, delivered a mind melting cover for the band's equally insane new record. Genre greats Eliran Kantor and Michael Whelan are also among the fold for their art never ceases to amaze. We may have spent another month in quarantine but April sure kept our minds well occupied.
Here are the best metal album covers of April 2020:
AT THE ALTAR OF THE HORNED GOD - Through Doors of Moonlight (Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule) | Listen

ÁRSTÍÐIR LÍFSINS / CARPE NOCTEM – Aldrnari (Artem Grigoryev) | Listen

THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER - Verminous (Juanjo Castellano) | Listen

REJOICE! THE LIGHT HAS COME - Untitled EP (Rodrigo Salvatierra) | Listen

TESTAMENT - Titans of Creation (Eliran Kantor) | Listen

RIPPED TO SHREDS - 亂 (Luan) (Guang Yang) | Listen

CIRITH UNGOL - Forever Black (Michael Whelan) | Listen

SKAM - Sounds of a Disease (Blood Art) | Listen

ULCERATE - Stare Into Death And Be Still (Jamie Saint Merat) | Listen

MALIST - To Mantle The Rising Sun (Artem Demura) | Listen

As always, thank you for supporting bands and the artists responsible for enriching our lives with their creativity. We remain sane because of it.