The Bay Area delivers once more with blackened death metal extremity.
If there's anyone doing right by H.P. Lovecraft's twisted mind, it's Ian Miller, for his illustrations depict the very insanity envisioned throughout the famed author's iconic stories. Pairing these visuals to an apt collection of riffs is ULTHAR, who utilize Miller's artistic prowess once more for their new record Providence.
Arriving on June 12th via 20 Buck Spin, Providence finds the blackened death metal unit unleashing a dizzying assault on the senses. With Greg Wilkinson (BRAINOIL, DEATHGRAVE) at the helm for recording, you could expect Providence to attack on all ends with precision. Take the lead single Through Downward Dynasties for a spin and brace yourself for the endless despair that awaits you at Providence.
Stream Through Downward Dynasties below and look out for album pre-orders.