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A moving activation: The Broad Museum welcomes hardcore, punk imagery, and more

The L.A. Intersections event welcomed an excessive excitement that had to be tamed.

zulu los angeles, the broad museum, hardcore.
Photograph by Joshua Alvarez

Text, Photos by Joshua Alvarez (@joshua.jam3s) at

The Broad Museum in Los Angeles on January 27, 2024:

It's not everyday that you get sanctioned madness at a fine arts museum, but when it comes around, we'll take it and embrace it. That was the case for a Zulu-led L.A. Intersections — a Broad Museum after-hours event bringing LA's music and spoken word scenes to the forefront with performances, readings, and art installations taking place throughout the museum. Leading hardcore ensemble Zulu, readings by Keith Morris (Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Off!), and a slideshow of Pleasant Gehman’s iconic punk flyers and pages from her Lobotomy Fanzine were among the more notable offerings, but that alone only scratched the surface for what was available.

keith morris black flag, black flag, punk, hardcore, the broad museum.
Photograph by Joshua Alvarez

An infectious joy filled The Broad upon arrival. The buzz and excitement of the thousands present as they connected to the arts was refreshing, and downright necessary. Audiences were engaged, hooked, and enamored with the strength of the contemporary and the influence of the yesteryear. On the more explosive side, Zulu's set was riveting enough to temporarily halt the performance, only to explode once again after attempts to ease the tension.

zulu los angeles, the broad museum, hardcore.
Photograph by Joshua Alvarez

L.A. Intersections defined what it is to activate a space for every inch of the event setting was full of engagement, diverse artistry, and of course, celebration. Dive through the photo gallery below and relive the iconic moment with the architectural masterclass that is The Broad as an exquisite backdrop.

L.A. Intersections Photo Gallery


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