The band's first offering in years comes accompanied by the electrifying Wargasm.

With time for reflection and continued success ahead of them, Enter Shikari come forth with The Void Stares Back — a multi-faceted track that taps into the band's signature unconventional song structures to great success. Benefitting from the contributions of rock duo Wargasm, this new track treads down pop sensibilities while ripping into the listener through anthemic vocals by way of keyboardist/lead vocalist Rou Reynolds. It's an introspective affair that harnesses from the forward-thinking community that rides along with Enter Shikari's uplifting purpose.
Frontman Rou Reynolds comments on the track:
"It is with elation, and more than a little nervousness, that we release this; our first track after over two years of dormancy. It is a roisterous journey made all the more so with the addition of our friends Wargasm. Thematically, the piece is about the forward march of social progress, and how, often, those with a more conventional archaic outlook on sexuality, gender, social design, economics etc, see those with differing ideas like bewildering, depraved creatures from another dimension.”
Wargasm add:
“Shikari were a big part of our growing up, so it was an absolute honour to be asked to collaborate with such an incredible and well-spoken band. They stand for the right things - we're a little more pessimistic. It was fun playing the darker devil's advocate to Rou's light...where we're going, you won't need eyes to see...”
Stream The Void Stares Back below or in your platform of choice HERE.