An explosive album opener to the band's forthcoming beast.
With Eliran Kantor at the visual helm, GAEREA are coming full force with their towering sophomore full-length Limbo. Set to arrive on July 24th via Season of Mist, Limbo is a statement in cathartic black metal, battering listeners from beginning to end with somber thematics. Today, the unit share the dynamic album opener To Ain for your consumption.
GAEREA comment on the single:
"'To Ain' is for all of you forgotten souls who have fallen into the most morbid and putrid Hole. A Place so below you might never reach to the surface again. Towards the Earth. Wondering the Abyss, To Ain. Being this song one of the most raw and intimate pieces Gaerea has ever written, this visual content serves its unique purpose of bringing the most grotesque truth upon us all. In this One Single Shot Performance we embrace what really makes us human: our Agony towards our very last breath. With no Gimmicks, no cuts, no edits, let this performance show you a brighter glimpse of what we feel, cry and crawl among our Fallen, Vast, Void Society."
Stream To Ain below and pre-order your copy of the record HERE.