Giving 'Perseverance' (2002) the two decade celebration it deserves.

Text, Photos by Vanessa Caron (@xvanx) at
The Regency Ballroom in San Francisco, CA on November 17th, 2022:
The flaming rage of Hatebreed's Perseverance shines bright again as the pioneering unit bring it back on the road in celebration of its 20th Anniversary, the likes of which came to The Regency Ballroom in San Francisco alongside a well-rounded bill that included Dying Wish, Bodysnatcher, and Bleeding Through. As one could expect from a lineup of this nature, the only breathing room that was to be had was after each set.
As Hatebreed walked on to a warm welcome, To the Threshold led the charge and off we went into a riff-driven battle of uncompromising nature. Empty Promises, Before Dishonor, and crowd favorite Looking Down The Barrel of Today battered us in one after the next. Bodies were moving and so were the roaring Hatebreed, who held a commanding presence on that Regency stage.

Jasta's notable enjoyment was heartwarming given the level of investment he's placed on Hatebreed and his musical efforts overall. To see an enthusiastic crowd show the same level of commitment to the band and their craft was a pleasant sight of appreciation.
Hatebreed went even further back and unearthed staples from Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire (1997), as well as gems from The Rise of Brutality (2003) and Supremacy (2006) for a career-spanning listening experience that one could argue serves as an act of reflection. Nostalgia was on full effect here with a steady array of fans screaming along to the hard-hitting Jasta lyrics that led an era.

If we took one thing away from the performance, it's that Perseverance remains the same beast it once was. The hold that this record has on fans worldwide speaks volumes of the impact that Hatebreed have had and continue to have on the scene at large over the years. From the ripping opener that is To the Threshold to the closing barrage of I Will Be Heard, Hatebreed leveled The Regency and delivered much to remember. The tour may have now concluded, but the celebration of Perseverance doesn't have to, so get it loaded into your playlist and raise some hell.
Enjoy Hatebreed and Bleeding Through photo galleries below.