The making of a brutal death metal beast, courtesy of Ukraine's Seeming Watcher.

Among the consistency of visual excellence among the death metal ranks, brutal death and slam pertain to a particular niche for artwork, one characterized by enthralling detail and violence. The blood, gore, and utter destruction depicted by records of this vein are an extension of the unbridled intensity within, as we can see with today's subject, Abysmal Revelation. The forthcoming INTERMINABLE CORRUPTIONS record comes adorned by the talents of Seeming Watcher, who draws eyes to the battering death metal beast ahead of its August 13th release via SBDC Records and Realityfade Co. Like anything from either of the two label catalogs, expect extremity with lead single Apoptosis setting the stage for what awaits. There's no breathing room here, just pure filth of the highest order.
Stream Apoptosis below and pre-order your digital copy HERE as you gaze through the evolution of the insane Seeming Watcher cover illustration, which you can scroll in all of the sketch phases below exclusively via Heaviest of Art.