A marvelous new avant garde black metal outfit.
Season Of Mist's Underground Activists sublabel has done metal quite the favor in recent years, having released memorable records by CRAFT, MYSTIFIER, and DRUDKH to name a few. With no intention to stop, they ready the first offering of their latest signing LICE, strengthening an otherwise solid black metal underground. Consisting of Niklas Kvarforth (SHINING), J (TEITANBLOOD), and Kirill Krowli, this brand new avant garde black metal outfit will deliver their debut full length Woe Betide You on May 10th, 2019 via Season of Mist's Underground Activists.
Containing blood curling themes of decomposition, loneliness, sociopaths, instability, and more, Woe Betide You aims to break down bit by bit with painful honesty. It's expected to receive this level of catastrophe when you merge one of the most unapologetic black metal vocalists of recent times with the pure hate of TEITANBLOOD. To offer warm welcome to this nauseating record, LICE have made available Layers of Dirt to the masses.
Stream the lead single Layers of Dirt below and pre-order your copy of this Timo Ketola fronted devastation here.