Perplexing death doom to keep you on your toes with every twist and turn.

On March 8th, UK's Slimelord will usher in their debut album, Chytridiomycosis Relinquished, via 20 Buck Spin, complete with wicked artwork by way of Brad Moore (Gatecreeper, Tomb Mold). Akin to that of Disembowelment, Morbus Chron, or labelmates Worm, Slimelord's craft is a rewarding listen that unfolds with each passing engagement. Lead single, The Beckoning Bell, slow burns into the listener's psyche and never ceases to amaze with its blood curling tone and shape shifting instrumentation.
The band comment on the album’s lead single:
“‘The Beckoning Bell’ is a boiling, churning stew made up of all the elements that become SLIMELORD. From the opening grooves emerging from recordings of squawking ducks, through the blistering lava tubes and to the ethereal dream sequence of the outro... Take a trip into our subterranea with Chytridiomycosis Relinquished and uncover the fantastical lore within!”
Stream The Beckoning Bell below and pre-order the record via 20 Buck Spin.