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TOOTH AND CLAW announce debut album 'Dream of Ascension' + share lead single

Bludgeoning hardcore groove with Hush visuals to speak for it.


Rising from the shelter-in-place orders of the ongoing pandemic, TOOTH AND CLAW come forth as a newly formed unit of limitless aggression. Consisting of Scott Crouse (Earth Crisis, Sect), Daniel Austin (Die Young), James Chang (Undying, Catharsis, Sect), and Cameron Joplin (Magnitude), the band prepare for the arrival of their debut outing, Dream of Ascension, which arrives on May 21st via Good Fight Music.

Dream of Ascension comes companied by a Jeremy Hush illustration that well very capture the sinister nature of the record, a nature that is narrated by menace. Metallic hardcore and streaks of death metal collide throughout, both of which are driven by a varied collection of riffs that do more than just set the pace. Lead single Your Crucifixion steps up as a testimony to the array of elements present within.

Stream Your Crucifixion below and pre-order your copy of the record HERE.

jeremy hush
Cover art by Jeremy Hush

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