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UNREQVITED prepare a benchmark in atmospheric black metal with 'Empathica'

A grandiose endeavor to elevate the spirit.

Cover Art by Mark Erskine

Behind the breathtaking landscape of Mark Erskine lies a musical composition of equal wonder, one that you've come to expect from the mysterious entity of UNREQVITED. This composition, titled Empathica, arrives on May 22nd via Northern Silence Productions and marks the fifth full-length recording for the band.

As every other chapter before it, Empathica transports listeners to an immersive setting drenched with lush guitars and ethereal melodies, contrasted by signature black metal howls to create a seamless blend of serene aggression. It's a towering composition that instills glory with each vibrating string, uplifting and unfolding with each consecutive listen. You could categorize Empathica in various different ways, including atmospheric black metal and symphonic blackgaze, but each fails to capture the emotion that transpires with every passing minute. It's beautifully structured to raise the body and slam it back down when need be, speaking to the talent that UNREQVITED consists of.

Stream the lead single Empathica II: Everwinter below and pre-order your copy HERE.


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