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VITAL SPIRIT announce debut EP 'In The Faith That Looks Through Death'

Members of WORMWITCH and SEER collide for a roaring take on Western black metal.

Photograph by Lucien Cyr

Hybrid iterations of black metal have proved time and time again to be a welcome addition to the heavy repertoire of the music industry. The Western-drenched take on the genre is one that has a seen a steady rise as of late with band's like WAYFARER and HUNTSMEN putting on for those with an itch for Americana. New entity VITAL SPIRIT joins the fold with their debut EP, In The Faith That Looks Through Death.

Set to arrive on August 28th via Hidden Tribe Records (cassette tape, digital) and Vendetta Records (vinyl), this mountainous 4-track beast is one to behold as it presents themes of Mayan cosmology and Mexican Revolution among others with soundscapes bringing ENNIO MORRICONE and DRUDKH. Grab on to your saddle and brace for the grandiose journey that the duo of Kyle Tavares (SEER, WORMWITCH) and Israel Langlais (WORMWITCH) have crafted.

Stream Centaur below and pre-order your cassette copy HERE as you wait for vinyl.

Cover art by Robin Harris

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